New PDF release: Transseries and Real Differential Algebra (Lecture Notes in

By Joris van der Hoeven

ISBN-10: 3540355901

ISBN-13: 9783540355908

Transseries are formal gadgets made out of an infinitely huge variable x and the reals utilizing limitless summation, exponentiation and logarithm. they're compatible for modeling "strongly monotonic" or "tame" asymptotic recommendations to differential equations and locate their beginning in at the very least 3 diverse components of arithmetic: research, version thought and computing device algebra. They play a vital function in Écalle's evidence of Dulac's conjecture, that is heavily concerning Hilbert's sixteenth challenge. the purpose of the current ebook is to provide an in depth and self-contained exposition of the speculation of transseries, within the desire of constructing it extra obtainable to non-specialists.

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Transseries and Real Differential Algebra (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Joris van der Hoeven

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