Download e-book for kindle: Translating Women: Different Voices and New Horizons by Luise von Flotow,Farzaneh Farahzad

By Luise von Flotow,Farzaneh Farahzad

ISBN-10: 0776607278

ISBN-13: 9780776607276

ISBN-10: 1138651567

ISBN-13: 9781138651562

This e-book makes a speciality of girls and translation in cultures 'across different horizons' well past the ecu or Anglo-American centres. Drawing on transnational feminist connections, its editors have assembled paintings from 4 continents and integrated articles from Morocco, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia, Columbia and past. 13 varied chapters discover questions round women's roles in translation: as authors, or translators, or theoreticians. In doing so, they open new territories for stories within the region of 'gender and translation' and stimulate educational paintings on questions during this box worldwide. The articles study the impression of 'Western' feminism while translated to different cultures; they describe translation initiatives devised to import and make significant feminist texts from different areas; they interact with the politics of publishing translations through ladies authors in different cultures, and the function of girls translators play in constructing new principles. the varied ways to questions round ladies and translation constructed during this assortment communicate to the quantity of unexplored fabric that has but to be addressed during this field.

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Translating Women: Different Voices and New Horizons (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies) by Luise von Flotow,Farzaneh Farahzad

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