Read e-book online TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginners Guide PDF

By Lesley A. Harrison

ISBN-10: 1849513449

ISBN-13: 9781849513449

Written in an attractive variety, this e-book bargains step by step examples with screenshots providing transparent counsel at key steps. It makes use of the instance of a small software program residence referred to as glossy Moose software program to lead you thru the positive aspects of TortoiseSVN. while you're a software program developer, translator or documentation author, or in case your software program house/open resource undertaking is determined by TortoiseSVN for model keep an eye on, then this ebook is for you. No previous event with TortoiseSVN or model keep watch over is needed. so long as you're a convinced consumer of home windows, it is possible for you to to exploit this publication to start simply with TortoiseSVN.

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TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginners Guide by Lesley A. Harrison

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