Download e-book for iPad: Theories of Crime by Ian Marsh

By Ian Marsh

ISBN-10: 041537068X

ISBN-13: 9780415370684

ISBN-10: 0415370698

ISBN-13: 9780415370691

Presenting a transparent, accomplished assessment of theoretical pondering on crime, this booklet encourages scholars to enhance a deeper figuring out of vintage and modern theories and offers an interdisciplinary method of criminology in the course of the contributions of sociology, psychology and biology. A key textual content for any undergraduate pupil following programmes in criminology and felony justice, Theories of Crime covers subject matters such as:

  • the ancient context of crime 

  • biological reasons for felony behaviour

  • psychological reasons for felony behaviour

  • sociological reasons for the legal behaviour

  • the felony behaviour of ladies

  • the felony behaviour of ethnic minorities.

By adopting an interactive method of motivate scholars to react to the textual content and imagine for themselves, this ebook distinguishes itself from others within the box and guarantees its position as a necessary educating source. The student-centred nature of the ebook is extra improved by way of reflective query breaks through the textual content, bankruptcy summaries, steered extra examining and internet sites.

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Theories of Crime by Ian Marsh

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