Download e-book for kindle: The Sociology of Fun by Ben Fincham

By Ben Fincham

ISBN-10: 0230358578

ISBN-13: 9780230358577

ISBN-10: 1349595306

ISBN-13: 9781349595303

What is enjoyable? How is it detailed from happiness or excitement? How can we understand after we are having it? This e-book is the 1st to supply a entire sociological account of this taken with no consideration social phenomenon. Fincham investigates parts resembling our stories of enjoyable in adolescence, the thrill now we have as adults, our muted reviews of enjoyable at paintings and our lived reports of getting enjoyable. utilizing first-hand bills and a brand new method of analyzing enjoyable, the ambiguity of enjoyable as now not critical or unimportant when whilst crucial for a cheerful existence is uncovered. Addressing questions of keep an eye on, transgression and the primacy of social relationships in fun, The Sociology of enjoyable is meant to impress dialogue approximately how we wish to have a good time and who determines the thrill we have.

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The Sociology of Fun by Ben Fincham

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