The Emergence of Modern Aesthetic Theory: Religion and - download pdf or read online

By Simon Grote

ISBN-10: 1107110920

ISBN-13: 9781107110922

extensive in its geographic scope and but grounded in unique archival learn, this e-book situates the inception of contemporary aesthetic idea – the philosophical research of artwork and wonder - in theological contexts which are the most important to explaining why it arose. Simon Grote offers seminal aesthetic theories of the German and Scottish Enlightenments as outgrowths of a quintessentially Enlightenment venture: the hunt for a common 'foundation of morality' and a method of aiding obviously self-interested people go beyond their very own self-interest. This end represents an enormous replacement to the traditional background of aesthetics as a sequence of preludes to the achievements of Immanuel Kant, in addition to a reinterpretation of numerous canonical figures within the German and Scottish Enlightenments. It additionally deals a origin for a transnational heritage of the Enlightenment with no the French philosophes at its centre, whereas solidly endorsing historians' growing to be reluctance to name the Enlightenment a secularising movement.

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The Emergence of Modern Aesthetic Theory: Religion and Morality in Enlightenment Germany and Scotland (Ideas in Context) by Simon Grote

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