Download e-book for iPad: The Agent: The Spy (The Agent Books Book 4) by Robin Eschliman

By Robin Eschliman

ISBN-10: 099828470X

ISBN-13: 9780998284705

a desirable futuristic novel of spies and betrayal from Robin Eschliman, the writer of “The Agent” sequence of political thrillers.

Chelsea Evans is a hugely paid yet tremendous bored advertisement genuine property agent and mother residing and dealing in Washington, D.C. eager for a extra interesting task and a extra interesting existence. Her captivating yet devious husband, Josh Evans, is an architect who's an undercover case officer with the CIA and who often travels on mysterious assignments overseas. Chelsea’s sedate global is shaken while Josh disappears in turmoil-stricken Iraq. yet having expected bureaucratic ineptitude, he has left cryptic clues and photographs with the relatives attorney approximately enigmatic gold antiquities and a Mideast skyscraper. The CIA believes that he has been killed, yet Chelsea refuses to just accept this and travels out of the country looking for extra clues to the Babylon Metro skyscraper the place Josh was once operating. Can she bring up adequate gift cash ahead of time runs out, in the meantime resisting a obdurate govt business enterprise that's in bureaucratic turmoil? Or should still she settle for Josh’s demise and stream directly to a brand new romance?

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The Agent: The Spy (The Agent Books Book 4) by Robin Eschliman

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