Download PDF by Howie Kahn,Alex French,Rodrigo Corral: Sneakers

By Howie Kahn,Alex French,Rodrigo Corral

An absolute necessity for layout devotees and sneakerheads of every age. footwear is a definitive exploration of the artistic power, innovation, collaboration, and visionary intelligence at the back of the cultural phenomenon of sneakers.

This superbly illustrated publication positive factors over 270 pages of images and interviews with specialists, activities legends and celebrities in a gorgeous package deal created through celebrated fashion designer Rodrigo Corral.

The book’s conscientiously curated checklist of members takes readers to the centre of the motion. Jim Riswold dishes on making ads with Michael Jordan. Adidas’s Rachel Muscat and Jon Wexler get philosophical approximately their megastar collaborator, Kanye West. Nike’s mythical Tinker Hatfield takes a glimpse into the long run. expert tennis participant Serena Williams stocks an specific display. and lots more and plenty, a lot more.

Sneakers is an absolute must-have for sneaker fanatics and a person who's attracted to layout, inventive strategy, road tradition, branding, entrepreneurship, artwork and fashion.

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Sneakers by Howie Kahn,Alex French,Rodrigo Corral

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