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By Duncan McLaren,Julian Agyeman

ISBN-10: 0262029723

ISBN-13: 9780262029728

ISBN-10: 0262533715

ISBN-13: 9780262533713

The way forward for humanity is city, and the character of city area permits, and necessitates, sharing -- of assets, items and companies, reviews. but conventional different types of sharing were undermined in smooth towns by means of social fragmentation and commercialization of the general public realm. In Sharing Cities, Duncan McLaren and Julian Agyeman argue that the intersection of towns' hugely networked actual house with new electronic applied sciences and new mediated types of sharing bargains towns the chance to attach clever know-how to justice, unity, and sustainability. McLaren and Agyeman discover the possibilities and hazards for sustainability, team spirit, and justice within the altering nature of sharing. McLaren and Agyeman suggest a brand new "sharing paradigm," which fits past the faddish "sharing financial system" -- visible in such ventures as Uber and TaskRabbit -- to ascertain types of sharing that aren't constantly advertisement but additionally communal, encouraging belief and collaboration. certain case reports of San Francisco, Seoul, Copenhagen, Medellín, Amsterdam, and Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) contextualize the authors' discussions of collaborative intake and construction; the shared public realm, either actual and digital; the layout of sharing to augment fairness and justice; and the clients for scaling up the sharing paradigm even though urban governance. They exhibit how sharing may shift values and norms, permit civic engagement and political activism, and rebuild a shared city commons. Their case for sharing and cohesion bargains a robust replacement for city futures to standard "race-to-the-bottom" narratives of pageant, enclosure, and division.

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Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities (Urban and Industrial Environments) by Duncan McLaren,Julian Agyeman

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