New PDF release: Retrofitting the City: Residential Flexibility, Resilience

By Stefan Bouzarovski

ISBN-10: 1784531502

ISBN-13: 9781784531508

towns are answerable for three-quarters of the world’s strength intake and 70 consistent with cent of world carbon emissions. If we're to lessen our calls for at the planet’s power assets and meet the problem of weather switch how will we make our city components extra power effective? One resolution is to refit current structures with extra thermally effective construction fabrics. yet such retrofitting is a extra complicated procedure than may be imagined; requiring advanced adjustments to the character and perform of neighborhood governance. Retrofitting the town presents a big corrective to a few of the assumptions which were made relating those matters and of the facility of individuals and locations to deal with such residential transformation. Drawing upon case reviews from a couple of ecu towns that experience gone through far-reaching swap of their association and outfitted environments the writer exhibits that supposedly unadaptable humans and areas convey a powerful, if usually hidden, measure of flexibleness and social resilience in responding to fiscal switch and development transformation. the result's a piece that gives either a much richer articulation of the major techniques of social resilience and adaptability than has hitherto been on hand and makes a key contribution to making sure larger luck in our makes an attempt to realize a low carbon sustainable future.

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Retrofitting the City: Residential Flexibility, Resilience and the Built Environment (International Library of Human Geography) by Stefan Bouzarovski

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