Download PDF by Ellen Dunham-Jones,June Williamson: Retrofitting Suburbia, Updated Edition: Urban Design

By Ellen Dunham-Jones,June Williamson

ISBN-10: 0470041234

ISBN-13: 9780470041239

ISBN-10: 0470934328

ISBN-13: 9780470934326

up to date with a brand new advent by way of the authors and a foreword by way of Richard Florida, this e-book is a entire advisor e-book for city designers, planners, architects, builders, environmentalists, and group leaders that illustrates how latest suburban advancements may be redesigned into extra city and extra sustainable locations. whereas there was substantial recognition by way of practitioners and teachers to improvement in city cores and new neighborhoods at the outer edge of towns, there was little realization to the redecorate and redevelopment of present suburbs. The authors, either architects and famous specialists at the topic, convey how improvement in present suburbs can soak up new development and evolve in terms of replaced demographic, technological, and monetary stipulations.

Retrofitting Suburbia used to be named winner within the structure & city making plans classification of the 2009 American Publishers Awards for pro and Scholarly Excellence (The PROSE Awards) offered by way of the pro and Scholarly Publishing (PSP) department of the organization of yankee Publishers

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Retrofitting Suburbia, Updated Edition: Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Suburbs by Ellen Dunham-Jones,June Williamson

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