Download PDF by Jonathan D. Kramer,Robert Carl: Postmodern Music, Postmodern Listening

By Jonathan D. Kramer,Robert Carl

ISBN-10: 1501306014

ISBN-13: 9781501306013

ISBN-10: 1501306022

ISBN-13: 9781501306020

Kramer was once the most visionary musical thinkers of the second one half the 20 th century. In his The Time of Music, he approached the belief of the numerous alternative ways that point itself is articulated musically. This e-book has develop into influential between composers, theorists, and aestheticians. Now, in his nearly accomplished textual content written ahead of his premature demise in 2004, he examines the idea that of postmodernism in song. Kramer created a sequence of markers through which we will be able to establish postmodern works. He means that the postmodern undertaking really creates a significantly various courting among the composer and listener. Written with wit, precision, and now and then playfully subverting conventional tropes to make a truly critical aspect approximately this distinction, Postmodern song, Postmodern Listening leads us to a strongly grounded highbrow foundation for stylistic description and an intuitive sensibility of what postmodernism in tune includes.

Postmodern track, Postmodern Listening is an exam of ways musical postmodernism is not only a mode or move, yet a basic shift within the courting among composer and listener. the result's a multifaceted and provocative examine a severe turning element in track historical past, one whose implications we're simply simply starting to understand.

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Postmodern Music, Postmodern Listening by Jonathan D. Kramer,Robert Carl

by Robert

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