Download e-book for iPad: Planetary Gentrification (Urban Futures) by Loretta Lees,Hyun Bang Shin,Ernesto López-Morales

By Loretta Lees,Hyun Bang Shin,Ernesto López-Morales

ISBN-10: 0745671640

ISBN-13: 9780745671642

ISBN-10: 0745671659

ISBN-13: 9780745671659

this is often the 1st ebook in Polity's new 'Urban Futures' series.

At the start of the twenty-first century, proclamations rang out that gentrification had long past international. yet what can we suggest by means of 'gentrification' this present day? How do we evaluate 'gentrification' in manhattan and London with that during Shanghai, Johannesburg, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro? This ebook argues that gentrification is among the most important and socially unjust strategies affecting towns world wide this present day, and one who calls for renewed serious assessment.

Drawing at the 'new' comparative urbanism and writings on planetary urbanization, the authors adopt a much-needed transurban research underpinned through a severe political economic system strategy. having a look past the standard gentrification suspects in Europe and North the USA to non-Western situations, from slum gentrification to mega-displacement, they exhibit that gentrification has opened up at a planetary scale, however it has no longer assumed a North to South or West to East trajectory ? the tale is far extra complicated than that.

Rich with empirical aspect, but wide-ranging, Planetary Gentrification unhinges, unsettles and provincializes Western notions of city improvement. it will likely be priceless to scholars and students drawn to the way forward for towns and the creation of a very international city reports, and both importantly to all these dedicated to social justice in cities.

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Planetary Gentrification (Urban Futures) by Loretta Lees,Hyun Bang Shin,Ernesto López-Morales

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