Read e-book online Partial Differential Equations IV: Microlocal Analysis and PDF

By Yu.V. Egorov,M.A. Shubin,Uday Sinha,V.Ya. Ivrii

ISBN-10: 354053363X

ISBN-13: 9783540533634

ISBN-10: 3642080995

ISBN-13: 9783642080999

A two-part monograph protecting contemporary examine in a major box, formerly scattered in different journals, together with the most recent ends up in the speculation of combined difficulties for hyperbolic operators. The e-book is as a result of massive price to graduate scholars and researchers in partial differential equations and theoretical physics.

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Partial Differential Equations IV: Microlocal Analysis and Hyperbolic Equations (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) by Yu.V. Egorov,M.A. Shubin,Uday Sinha,V.Ya. Ivrii

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