Suzanne Morrissey's Motherhood, Poverty, and the WIC Program in Urban America: PDF

By Suzanne Morrissey

ISBN-10: 0739189336

ISBN-13: 9780739189337

ISBN-10: 1498530559

ISBN-13: 9781498530552

The research awarded here's one in every of city poverty, loved ones survival, and social associations that either allow and keep watch over the decision-making of bad girls in the United States. at first, it truly is a few public healthiness application, the detailed Supplemental food application for ladies, babies, and kids, identified probably as WIC, and the way the establishment re-inscribes chronic stereotypes of the city bad at the ladies it eagerly needs to serve. regardless of encountering competition and sometimes humiliation by the hands of these selected to serve, many low-income girls through the usa and Puerto Rico go back to WIC each month since it represents a ceremony of passage that characterizes being pregnant. Enrolling in WIC prenatally indicates to others the significance of offering for one’s relatives inspite of socioeconomic drawback. but no matter if ladies entry WIC merits or no longer, their lived realities contain a painful and enduring connection among city poverty and health and wellbeing inequalities, quite inequalities resulting in terrible start results and toddler mortality, as explored during this city ethnography.

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Motherhood, Poverty, and the WIC Program in Urban America: Life Strategies by Suzanne Morrissey

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