Download e-book for iPad: Mixed Boundary Value Problems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied by Dean G. Duffy

By Dean G. Duffy

ISBN-10: 1584885793

ISBN-13: 9781584885795

Methods for fixing combined Boundary price Problems

An up to date remedy of the topic, Mixed Boundary worth Problems makes a speciality of boundary price difficulties while the boundary alterations alongside a specific boundary. The e-book usually employs numerical tips on how to resolve combined boundary worth difficulties and the linked essential equations.

Straightforward Presentation of Mathematical Techniques

The writer first presents examples of combined boundary price difficulties and the mathematical heritage of indispensable capabilities and particular features. He then provides vintage mathematical physics difficulties to give an explanation for the starting place of combined boundary price difficulties and the mathematical thoughts that have been built to address them. the remainder chapters resolve numerous combined boundary price difficulties utilizing separation of variables, rework tools, the Wiener–Hopf process, Green’s functionality, and conformal mapping.

Decipher combined Boundary worth difficulties That happen in varied Fields

Including MATLAB® to assist with challenge fixing, this booklet presents the mathematical abilities wanted for the answer of combined boundary worth problems.

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Mixed Boundary Value Problems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Science) by Dean G. Duffy

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