Download e-book for kindle: Key Concepts in Feminist Theory and Research by Christina Hughes

By Christina Hughes

ISBN-10: 076196987X

ISBN-13: 9780761969877

ISBN-10: 0761969888

ISBN-13: 9780761969884

This unique and interesting textual content explores the center innovations in feminist thought.

This updated textual content addresses the results of postmodernism and post-structuralism for feminist theorizing. It identifies the demanding situations of this in the course of the improvement of 'conceptual literacy'. Introducing conceptual literacy as a pedagogic activity, this article allows scholars' figuring out of, for example:

- the diversity and shortage of fixity of conceptualizations and meanings of key terms;

- the importance of theoretical framework for conceptualization of key terms;

- The altering nature of language and the reframing of key words in study (eg the hot shift from equality to social justice);

The textual content explores those matters via six key strategies in feminist theorizing: equality; distinction; selection; care; time; and adventure. each one bankruptcy considers the various ways that those phrases were conceptualised and the feminist debates approximately those strategies. each one bankruptcy contains case reviews to demonstrate the appliance of those recommendations in feminist empirical examine, and offers a consultant to additional reading.

This textual content could be a useful device for college students taking classes in feminist thought and learn equipment, and scholars around the social sciences who're taking classes fascinated about problems with gender.

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Key Concepts in Feminist Theory and Research by Christina Hughes

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