Download e-book for kindle: Inequality: Structures, Dynamics and Mechanisms: Essays in by Arne L. Kalleberg,Stephen L. Morgan,John Myles,Rachel A.

By Arne L. Kalleberg,Stephen L. Morgan,John Myles,Rachel A. Rosenfeld (Deceased)

ISBN-10: 0762311401

ISBN-13: 9780762311408

Aage Sorensen used to be an influential highbrow presence who was once one of many world's top specialists on social stratification and the sociology of schooling. His examine sought to appreciate the constructions, dynamics and mechanisms that underlie inequalities in business societies through targeting how members' attainments are formed via features of a society's or organization's chance constitution, at the one hand, and contributors' schooling, adventure and different human capital assets, at the different. He emphasised inequalities linked to schooling and education, category, and stratification results reminiscent of source of revenue and occupational prestige. inside of those basic foci, he tackled the learn of phenomena as different as premiums of studying in ordinary institution interpreting teams and advertising styles in huge business organisations.

The chapters of this quantity illustrate many of the significant subject matters that characterised Aage's study; those subject matters also are more likely to represent very important issues for destiny efforts to appreciate established social inequality in society. those topics comprise: the advance of particular dynamic versions to account for saw styles of schooling, occupation, and exertions marketplace results; facets of academic inequality similar to tuition results and studying possibilities; concerns relating to intragenerational mobility and careers; and the function of rents in producing structural inequality.

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Inequality: Structures, Dynamics and Mechanisms: Essays in Honor of Aage B. Sorensen: 21 (Research in Social Stratification and Mobility) by Arne L. Kalleberg,Stephen L. Morgan,John Myles,Rachel A. Rosenfeld (Deceased)

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