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By David Downes,D. M. Davies,M. E. David,P. Stone

ISBN-10: 0415720869

ISBN-13: 9780415720861

ISBN-10: 0415720877

ISBN-13: 9780415720878

Since the legalisation of off-course money having a bet in 1960, and the increase of various types of playing, the British have grow to be referred to as a country of gamblers. until eventually this learn used to be released in 1976, slightly any facts existed opposed to which to evaluate the declare that playing had turn into a massive social challenge. The authors current information drawn from zone surveys conducted in Swansea, Sheffield, Wanstead and Woodford, and discover how good earlier sociological theories of playing accept as true with their findings, specific in reference to convinced facets of labor and relaxation. analyzing varied different types of playing, together with having a bet, bingo and gaming machines, the chapters give some thought to how playing offerings differ among diversified social teams, and what sort of time and cash is spent on them. With the web making it more straightforward than ever ahead of to put bets, this identify is principally suitable, and offers a scientific foundation for an evidence of playing in terms of social structure.

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Gambling, Work and Leisure (Routledge Revivals): A Study Across Three Areas by David Downes,D. M. Davies,M. E. David,P. Stone

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