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By G.Duncan Mitchell

ISBN-10: 0202361683

ISBN-13: 9780202361680

ISBN-10: 1138518360

ISBN-13: 9781138518360

Tracing the advance of scientifi c sociology from Comte to the current, 100 Years of Sociology is a concise, narrative heritage of the most important fi gures, principles, and colleges that lie at the back of the paintings of up to date sociologists. protecting either theoretical and empirical contributions, the ebook describes the convergence of 2 significant streams of sociological idea: a speculative and philosophical culture and a reformist, fact-fi nding culture. during the quantity, the writer is as a lot interested by the content material of principles as with their labels and chronology. the $64000 advancements in either American and ecu sociology are thought of in complete, and distinctive awareness is given to the emergence of social anthropology and social psychology and to the profound infl uence of global battle II on present paintings within the field.

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A Hundred Years of Sociology by G.Duncan Mitchell

by Jeff

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